
What Is the Origin of the Audi Car Maker

In August 1928 J�rgen Skafte Rasmussen, possessor of Zschopauer Motorenwerke/DKW, acquired a majority interest in Audiwerke AG, the following year merging the Zwickau-based visitor with his own business empire. When the global economic system plunged into crisis in Oct 1929, sales of large automobile models with six and eight-cylinder engines collapsed. Rasmussen responded past commissioning Audi to develop a pocket-sized DKW machine with front-wheel drive, and this model was launched highly successfully in 1931. The Audi plant also assembled DKW Front models, in a measure out designed to protect jobs.

  • 1899 - Baronial Horch establishes A. Horch & Cie in Cologne.
  • 1901 - The outset Horch auto appears on the road.
  • 1902 - August Horch & Cie Motor- und Motorwagenbau established in Reichenbach/Vogtland on March iii
  • 1909 - Following a disagreement with the supervisory board, Baronial Horch leaves  August Horch Motorwagenwerke AG, which had been based in Zwickau since 1904, and founds a new visitor, also in Zwickau. He chooses the Latin translation of his surname every bit the proper name of the new company: Horch ("hark") thus becomes Audi.
  • 1921 - Audi becomes the first manufacturer in Deutschland to introduce left-hand drive and central gear change as standard.

Auto Union History

The pressure on German car manufacturers had already been growing since the mid-1920s. Automation and assembly lines were the lodge of the twenty-four hour period. American manufacturers were demonstrating the shape of things to come. Cars from the USA were flooding the European market. Those manufacturers that failed to rationalise or bring together forces with others were left behind. The Bully Depression of 1929 put the four Saxony-based car companies under further pressure. The idea of a merger was first floated by the Land Bank of Saxony. The companies finally merged on 29 June 1932 to get Auto Union AG.

The companies entering into the alliance were Zschopauer Motorenwerke J.S. Rasmussen AG, which had already belonged to Audiwerke AG since Baronial 1928, as well equally Horchwerke AG and the Cars Division of Wanderer Werke in Chemnitz. The company signet depicted 4 interlocking rings, intended to symbolise the inseparable unity of the 4 founder companies. The brand names Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer were retained. To avoid contest within the new group, each of the four brands was assigned a specific market segment: motorcycles and modest cars for DKW, midsize cars for Wanderer, cars in the deluxe midsize segment for Audi, and luxury cars at the top stop of the market place for Horch.

A further benefit of the merger was that resources were pooled through the centralisation of administration, development, testing, sales and marketing operations at the company's headquarters in Chemnitz. Car Union was consequently able to achieve pioneering status in the sphere of scientific discipline and research: the Central Testing Institute (ZVA) and Fundamental Development and Design Office (ZEKB) performed scientific development work and basic enquiry. Even in those days, materials applied science, consumption research, acoustics measurements, air current tunnel tests and crash tests were common practise.

To heighten its public profile, in 1934 the new visitor decided to get involved in motor racing at the very highest level � Grand Prix � and over the next few years saw its Auto Wedlock " Silver Arrow " models clinch countless races, championships and world records on racetracks effectually the world.

The Audi badge

The four rings of the Audi badge symbolise the merger four car companies brands. Audi, DKW , Horch and Wanderer , which were combined to form Automobile Union in 1932. By the tardily 1930s, i in four cars in Germany was built by Auto Union AG and sported the four-band badge on its radiator grille. Auto Union AG was created equally a issue of this merger, becoming the 2nd-largest automobile manufacturer in Germany. Motorcar Wedlock and NSU, which merged in 1969, both fabricated many significant contributions towards the development of the car. AUDI AG was formed from Audi NSU Auto Matrimony AG in 1985. Together with the ii traditional companies Automobile Union GmbH and NSU GmbH.

The Audi brand. (1930'due south)

The beginning band in the new alliance of companies
One of the keys to the success of the even so young Auto Wedlock was the allocation of a specific market segment to each of the individual brands in lodge to create a coordinated model range. Specifically for the Audi brand, this prompted the development of the Audi Front Type UW, a midsize car through which the new group was for the starting time time able to brand use of synergy benefits.

The principal feature of the new Audi was its front end-wheel drive. DKW's feel in the domain of front-bike bulldoze had simply been translated into a midsize vehicle. Its ability unit was a Wanderer 2-litre, six-cylinder engine developed by Ferdinand Porsche, the body of the saloon version came from Horch's body shop, and the Cabriolets were built by the renowned Dresden coachbuilder Gl�ser.

The Audi Forepart Type UW � the designation means a Type U with Wanderer engine � finally went into production in the early part of 1933. Ane year later, Audi's production operations were transferred to the nearby Horch plant in social club to free up capacity at the Audi plant for the ascent production output of DKW Front models. With technically revised features and equipped with a tuned-upwards 2.three-litre Wanderer engine, the new Audi Front 225 was unveiled at the 1935 Berlin Motor Show and remained on the marketplace until 1938. The successor model, the Audi 920, likewise exhibited the authentication features of a modular system. The chassis, which had now reverted to conventional rear-wheel bulldoze, and the modern-styled body were largely borrowed from the 6-cylinder Wanderer W 23 model. This elegant car had a direct-six OHC engine developed by Horch, while the rear beam adopted the DKW floating-beam principle. The starting time specimens of the new car left the production line at Auto Union's Horch plant in Dec 1938. The Audi 920 quickly became a hit with customers.

This success was brought to an abrupt halt with the outbreak of the 2nd Globe State of war. Production of civilian vehicles was slashed and the group'southward operations switched to the production of armaments. The last Audi of this era was completed in Apr 1940. At that place would not be another for a quarter of a century.

  • 1931 - The world's first volume-built car with front-wheel drive is introduced: the DKW Front (F1).
  • 1932 - The Saxon companies Audi, DKW and Horch and the automotive department of Wanderer Werke merge to form Car Union AG, with its headquarters in Chemnitz. The company chooses four interlinked rings as its logo.

The Audi brand. (1940'south-1950's)

A new commencement in Ingolstadt
In 1945, after the war had ended, Auto Marriage AG's bounds were located in the zone occupied by the Soviet forces, who expropriated its assets and dismantled the institute; the company was removed from the Commercial Annals of the city of Chemnitz in 1948. Sure members of Machine Union'south senior management had already moved to Bavaria at the stop of the war, and in tardily 1945 a depot for Auto Union parts was ready in the historic garrison city of Ingolstadt. These tentative efforts to relaunch operations led to the founding of a new company named Motorcar Union GmbH on September 3, 1949, with the purpose of upholding the automotive tradition of the four rings.

The kickoff products with the 4-band badge built in this era were well-established DKW models with two-stroke engines. These basic but robust and reliable cars and motorcycles were merely right for the ascetic circumstances of the mail service-war years. The DKW F 89 L rapid delivery van and the DKW RT 125 Westward motorcycle were unveiled at the Hanover Export Off-white in early 1949. These models established automotive manufacturing in Ingolstadt. In parallel, the company was working on a DKW car, which went into production at a new plant in D�sseldorf in summer 1950.

From 1954 onwards, Friedrich Flick gradually acquired a large stake in the equity of Auto Union GmbH. His strategy was to find a stiff partner for Machine Matrimony in the medium term. In April 1958, Daimler-Benz AG acquired 88 percent of Auto Union'southward shares and in the following year the Ingolstadt company became a fully-owned subsidiary.

  • 1945 - Machine Union AG in Saxony is dispossessed past the Soviet occupying forces; the factories are dismantled.
    A few months after the war, a key depot for Auto Union parts is ready in Ingolstadt to supply the vehicles traveling in Western zones.
  • 1948 - Auto Union AG is deleted from the Commercial Annals of the metropolis of Chemnitz.
  • 1949 - The newly founded Car Matrimony GmbH is entered in the Commercial Register of the metropolis of Ingolstadt. Production of the DKW RT 125 W motorcycle and the DKW F 89 L high-speed van begins in former garrison buildings.
  • 1958 - Auto Union GmbH is acquired past Daimler-Benz AG.
  • 1959 - A new constitute goes into functioning in Ingolstadt for the production of the DKW Junior minor auto.

The Audi brand. (1960's-1970's)

In autumn 1965 the Ingolstadt car company, still called Auto Union GmbH in those days, introduced a new model with a four-stroke engine for the first time after the state of war at the Frankfurt Motor Evidence. This new car needed a new proper name, and thus the name "Audi" came into being. Founded in 1909 past Baronial Horch, Audi had become noted for the industry of elegant six and viii-cylinder cars in the 1920s and 1930s. From 1932 onwards, together with DKW, Horch and Wanderer, the Audi brand formed part of the merger Auto Union AG, which was symbolised by the emblem of the four rings.

In the middle of the 1960s the German machine manufacturing industry was in a land of upheaval and Auto Marriage GmbH in Ingolstadt was experiencing a crisis with its DKW two-stroke cars. Daimler-Benz AG, the major shareholder in Automobile Union from 1958 to 1964, adult a iv-cylinder four-stroke engine for its bilious subsidiary. In fall 1964, Volkswagenwerk AG took over the Ingolstadt visitor, and the work at hand was completed nether the supervision of VW. Primary technician Ludwig Kraus installed the water-cooled inline 4-cylinder engine with a chapters of 1695 cc, 72 bhp output and the unusually high pinch ratio of 11.2:i in the torso of the last DKW model, the F 102. At the outset, the first Audi did non behave any model designation; later information technology was called the Audi 72 reflecting its engine output.

The Audi 72 played an important office in the brand'due south history. Introduced on August 13, 1965 as the Machine Wedlock's first mail service-war car with a four-stroke engine, it ushered in a new era for the Ingolstadt-based manufacturer and the abandonment of the two-stroke engine. Between 1965 and 1968 85,000 units of this model, which revived the distinguished Audi name, were sold.

Automotive journalists praised the new Audi for being a applied and well-finished motorcar, with a reliable engine and the best in driving characteristics. The four-cylinder four-stroke engine became the ground of all further models in the Audi range. With the introduction of various model versions, the model designation "Audi" was supplemented by the relevant number of horsepower. In 1966 the Audi 80 and the Audi Super 90 appeared in the same guise. Ii years later the Audi 60 and Audi 75 models were included in the range. The new Audi 100 was officially introduced in 1968 and paved the fashion into the top end of the midsize class. From and so on the hereafter belonged to the Audi make.

In 1969 Volkswagenwerk AG engineered the merger of Motorcar Marriage GmbH and the Neckarsulm-based NSU Motorenwerke AG. The new visitor now became known as Audi NSU Machine Union AG and had its registered office in Neckarsulm. The new Audi NSU Car Union AG with head office in Neckarsulm came into being. The company proper name, which was unusually long and difficult to remember, became a affair of fence at the first of the 1980s; this was due to the fact that NSU ceased to exist used every bit a product name after the NSU RO fourscore went out of product in 1977. The Lath of Direction decided to rename the company AUDI AG, which took effect from 1 January 1985. From then on both the visitor and its products have borne the same short and succinct name. In view of the alter of name, the head part moved from Neckarsulm to Ingolstadt.

  • 1964 - Auto Union GmbH's capital is doubled to DM 160 million; Volkswagenwerk AG initially takes over 50.three percentage of the shares.
  • 1965 - Auto Union GmbH presents a new model with four-stroke engine. Its proper noun: Audi. This marks the end of the DKW two-stroke era.
  • 1966 - Auto Wedlock GmbH becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagenwerk AG.
    The last DKW rider car of the Blazon F 102 leaves the assembly line.
  • 1969 - Auto Union GmbH merges with NSU Motorenwerke AG (established 1873) to form Audi NSU Auto Union AG.

The model range of Audi NSU Automobile Wedlock AG in 1971
(pictured clockwise): NSU Ro fourscore, NSU Prinz 100 TT, NSU Prinz 4, Audi 75 Variant, NSU 1200, Audi sixty L, Audi 100 LS, Audi 100 Coupe� Southward (eye)

  • 1971 - "Vorsprung durch Technik" becomes Audi's advertizement slogan.

The extensive range of Audi and NSU models covering a wide variety of engines and drive concepts prompted the coining of a new advertising slogan in 1971, and one that has finer been the company'south mission statement ever since: "Vorsprung durch Technik".

Information technology was entirely in this spirit that the first-generation Audi 80 (B1 series) was launched in 1972, with a glittering assortment of new technical features such every bit an OHC engine series and self-stabilising steering coil radius. By the time production of this first generation ceased, over 1 million units had been built.

1974 saw the date of Ferdinand Pi�ch as Ludwig Kraus' successor, initially as Head of Technical Development. Over the "Pi�ch era" Audi was transformed into a highly innovative car manufacturer. This flow also witnessed the gradual raising of the Audi brand's positioning. The v-cylinder engine (1976), turbocharger technology (1979) and quattro four-bike drive (1980) are eloquent testimonies to the success of this drive.

The visitor underwent a change of name from Audi NSU Auto Union AG to AUDI AG in 1985. Ever since so, the company and the products it builds accept shared the aforementioned name. The company'south headquarters were moved back to Ingolstadt. Audi'due south subsequent progress has witnessed a sensational range of technical innovations: fully galvanised bodies, the most aerodynamic volume-built saloon of its time, the broad-based use of petrol engines with exhaust turbocharging, the development of economical direct-injection diesel engines, the aluminium body, the first hybrid vehicles, petrol directly injection and the industry of luxury-form cars with viii and twelve-cylinder engines are just some of the many mileposts that document the emergence of the Audi brand as a manufacturer of premium cars.

However, the traditional proper noun elements NSU and Automobile Union no longer appeared equally role of the company's new proper name. Therefore, in order to legally protect these names, two subsidiaries were founded in 1985; Car Wedlock GmbH in Ingolstadt and NSU GmbH in Neckarsulm. Since and then the primary tasks of these two entities has been the upholding of the company'due south tradition, the cosmos of a collection of historic vehicles and the collation of archive fabric relevant to the history of the visitor. Both of these tradition-upholding companies have been integrated in the section Audi Tradition since 1998.

  • 1980 - Audi quattro: The commencement product car with permanent all-bike bulldoze is presented in Geneva.
  • 1982 - The 3rd generation of the Audi 100 goes downward in the annals of technology history as the world'due south most aerodynamic production sedan, with a drag coefficient of 0.30.
  • 1985 - Audi NSU Automobile Spousal relationship AG is renamed AUDI AG. This means that the products and the company share the same proper name.
    In September of the 1986 model twelvemonth, Audi launches the Audi 100 and 200 models with fully galvanized bodies.
  • 1986 - The third generation of the Audi 80 excels with its excellent aerodynamics and fulli galvanized trunk. As function of the preperations for production, the body store and pigment shop are extensively modernized.
  • 1989 - With the 2.v-liter, five-cylinder TDI, Audi introduces the direct-injection turbocharged diesel engine.
  • 1990 - Audi presents the Audi duo, a hybrid model based on the Audi 100 Avant.
  • 1993 - AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is established in Győr (Hungary) as a fully endemic subsidiary of AUDI AG. The establish is officially opened on October 12,
  • 1994 - Audi takes a quantum leap in automotive applied science with the marketplace launch of the Audi A8 with its revolutionary aluminum Audi Space Frame (ASF).
  • 1998 - The understanding for the takeover of Lamborghini is signed on July 24.

Horch Automobiles 1939-1920 (Prototype Gallery)
DKW Automobiles 1960-1917 (Epitome Gallery)
Wanderer Automobiles 1939-1915 (Image Gallery)

History of AUDI | Horch | DKW | Wanderer


What Is the Origin of the Audi Car Maker

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